法國國際學校 French International School
法國國際學校成立於 1963 年,是香港最早成立的國際學校之一,並於 1988 年成為香港首所提供國際文憑(IB)課程的學校。學校設有國際部及法語部,最大特色是學生能夠學習不同的歐洲語言及普通話。學校在四個校區共有超過 2,500 名來自 40 個不同國家的學生。2014 年在國際部,23.5% 的法國國際學校高年級學生在 IB 考試中獲得 40 分或以上,其中兩名學生獲得 44 分。在 IGCSE 中,80.5% 的五年級學生在所有科目中獲得 A 級成績。在法語部,最後一年的學生中有 39.4% 獲得 Très Bien(優秀)的評級,遠高於海外法國學校 19.7% 的平均水平。

Founded in 1963, the French International School is one of the first international schools established in Hong Kong and was the first school in Hong Kong to offer the IB programme in 1988. It offers two parallel Streams, the French Stream and International Stream, leading to internationally recognised diplomas. Currently, it welcomes over 2,500 students, representing 40 different nationalities, in four campuses. In 2014 in the International Stream, 23.5% of FIS Upper 6 students received 40 points or above in their IB results, with two of them awarded 44 points. In IGCSE, 80.5% of Form 5 students achieved grade “A” across all subjects. In the French Stream, 39.4% of students of the final year were awarded “Très Bien” (excellence), much higher than the 19.7% - average of French Schools overseas.
私立獨立的國際學校、全年學費約 HKD $152,239
A private and independent school. Tuition fee (per pupil for annum) is Y1-Y6 $152,239, Y7-Y11 $190,565 , Y12 $209,230.
有關學費詳情,請參看教育局提供的 收費證明書。
1963 年創立,位於跑馬地及渣甸山
The school was set up in 1963 and located in Happy Valley and Jardine's Lookout.
課程 Curriculum: British, International Baccalaureate (IBDP)
班級結構 Class Structure: P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7
French International School
地址: 香港跑馬地籃塘道165號。學校地圖 ⛳
電話: 25776217 傳真: 25779658
電郵: admissions@lfis.edu.hk
網址: http://www.fis.edu.hk
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