香港斯坦福美國學校 Stamford American School Hong Kong
英資辦學團體 Cognita,在全球七國有逾 60 所屬校,在港首所分校 Stamford American School Hong Kong,選址於何文田前新法書院校舍。學校會為 5-18 歲學童提供 K2 至 Grade 12 課程,計畫招收 1100 人,師生比例為 1 比 24。
Stamford American School Hong Kong is a world-class international school launching September 2017, offering a rigorous standards-based education for children aged 5 to 18 years old. School's goal is to instill an enthusiasm for lifelong learning and a sense of global awareness in every student, along with the necessary skills to prepare them for the challenges and changes which lie ahead after they graduate from the school.
私立獨立的國際學校、全年學費約 HKD $206,800
A private and independent school. Tuition fee (per pupil for annum) is Pre-primary-G2: $206,800, G3-G5: $208,800, G6-G8: $227,200, G9-G10: $234,000, G11-G12: $249,800.
有關學費詳情,請參看教育局提供的 收費證明書。
2017 年創立,位於何文田文福道
The school was set up in 2017 and located in Man Fuk Road, Ho Man Tin.
課程 Curriculum: American (IBDP)
班級結構 Class Structure: KG2,G1,G2,G3,G4,G5,G6,G7,G8,G9,G10,G11,G12
Stamford American School Hong Kong
地址: 九龍何文田文福道25號。學校地圖 ⛳
電話: 25008688
電郵: admissions@sais.edu.hk
網址: http://www.sais.edu.hk
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