蘇浙公學國際部 Kiangsu-Chekiang College, International Section
蘇浙公學於 1993 年成立,為全港首間推行英話及普通話教育的一條龍式國際學校。蘇浙公學國際部是在學校已有的國際幼稚園和小學部門的基礎上增設的,為 3 至 18 歲的學生提供一條龍式教育。中學部提供 7 至 13 年級的教育。學校採用英國國家課程。在音樂和中國文化等科目中,普通話作為教學媒介。課堂實施小班教學,學生不僅在課堂內接受廣泛的課程教育,還參與實踐活動。

Kiangsu & Chekiang Primary School and Kindergarten was founded in 1953 as a non-profit-making private school with Putonghua as the main medium of instruction. Kiangsu Chekiang College, International Section was added to the school's established Kindergarten and Primary international sections to provide through-train education for students aged 3 to 18 years. The Secondary section offers Year 7-13. The school adopts the British National Curriculum. Putonghua is the medium of instruction for subjects such as music and Chinese culture. Classes are small in size and students are offered a broad-based curriculum, not only inside the classroom but also through practical activities.
私立獨立的國際學校、全年學費約 HKD $125,000
A private and independent school. Tuition fee (per pupil for annum) is Year 7-13: $125,000.
有關學費詳情,請參看教育局提供的 收費證明書。
1993 年創立,位於香港島北角
The school was set up in 1993 and located in North Point, Hong Kong.
課程 Curriculum: British, International Baccalaureate (IBDP)
班級結構 Class Structure: Y7, Y8, Y9, Y10, Y11, Y12, Y13
Kiangsu-Chekiang College, International Section
地址: 北角寶馬山道20號。學校地圖 ⛳
電話: 25704594 傳真: 25704627
電郵: kcc@hknet.com
網址: https://www.kcis.edu.hk
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