香港學堂國際學校 Hong Kong Academy
Hong Kong Academy is a private co-educational school. It aims to develop and nurture intellectually curious and ethically minded students who achieve their full potential as individuals and as responsible members of the global community. The school offers small class sizes, each staffed with a teacher and co-teacher. As a result, individual students get the assistance and encouragement that they need to develop academically, socially and emotionally. Staff members are recruited from around the world, bringing with them a range of experiences and educational perspectives.。
學校位置:西貢區 › 新界西貢惠民路33號。學校地圖。
2000 年創立
Hong Kong Academy is a dynamic learning community that provides a rigorous international education characterised by mutual benefit and support. As an educational leader, HKA empowers learners to pursue pathways to individual excellence by fostering creativity, communication and problem-solving skills.
學校課室可容納約 90 個學生
學校有教職員約 5 位,師生比例約 1 位教師對 5 名學生
學校只設有上午班,以下是 3-6 歲各班學生人數(2023 年 9 月資料)。班級名稱對照表。
3-4歲 | 4-5歲 | 5-6歲 | 總數 | |
上午班 | 0 | 0 | 27 | 27 |
下午班 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
全日班 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
全年學費 $112,200,分 10 期,即每期學費約 $11220
以下列出不同班別的全年學費和期數。有關學費資料詳情,請參看教育局提供的 收費證明書。
幼兒 3-4 歲 | 低班 4-5 歲 | 高班 5-6 歲 | |
上午班 | $112,200(10) | $112,200(10) | - |
下午班 | - | - | - |
全日班 | - | - | - |
Hong Kong Academy
地址: 新界西貢惠民路33號
地圖: 點擊加載學校地圖
電話: 26551111 傳真: 26551222
電郵: office@hkacademy.edu.hk
網址: http://www.hkacademy.edu.hk
校監:Mr Khanna Atul
校長:Mr Dare, Stephen Peter
Facebook 專頁: HongKongAcademy
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